Pile foundations are generally required to maintain safety in multi-story buildings. In addition, deep foundations in northern Great Lakes areas like Michigan are necessary to gain stability despite a high water, silt, and loose clay ground content. In contrast, bedrock provides the most stable and safe building foundation. Pile foundations work to emulate a rock platform to provide a sturdy base.
Dredging is the operation of removing material from one part of the water environment and relocating it to another. In all but a few situations the excavation is undertaken by specialist floating plant, known as a dredger. Dredging is carried out in many different locations and for many different purposes, but the main objectives are usually to recover material that has some value or use, or to create a greater depth of water
A box crib or cribbing is a temporary structure used to support heavy objects during construction. It is commonly used to secure debris within collapsed buildings.
other services include
Rip Rap Placement
Shoreline Restoration
Salvage and Towing
Wetlands Mitigation /Restoration
Created by Amityislanddesigns